
DBV AGM 2022/23
Thu 02 Nov 2023 19:30 — 20:30

Event information

This event has passed.

In accordance with the DBV Constitution, only financial members are eligible to vote at the AGM. One vote per club will be accepted should voting be required. A minimum of five clubs must be in attendance to reach a quorum to allow the AGM to proceed. Please register your attendance on completing your name, club and email address to ensure registration is complete. The link to attend the meeting will be forwarded to you before the event.

All participants will be on mute once logged into the AGM. This will avoid any disruption if more than one person speaks. We request you ask questions by typing them into the Chat Box, located at the bottom of your Zoom screen.

Please find below the agenda and information for the Dragon Boat Victoria AGM on 2 November 2023 at 7:30pm.

  • AGM Agenda 2 November 2023 - view here
  • AGM Minutes 8 October 2022 - View here
  • Annual Report 2022/23 and Financial Report Annexure - view here
  • DBV Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - view here

Click on the Zoom link to join the AGM on 2 November from 7:30pm